This is the most precise, musical, enjoying digital cable I have ever heard. Period!…
I’ll give this TQ cable 6 out of 5 stars
Mono&Stereo 2015, Ultra Silver Digital Waveform™ II RCA
Fairaudio Test: Tellurium Q Ultra Silver & Silver Diamond USB-Kabel
Waveform™ ist die Klasse der neuen semi-aktiven Digital Kabel von Tellurium Q.
Designed to actively prevent jitter. In a nut shell: Using circuitry in both ends of the cable, boosts the speed of the edges of the digital signal giving you the fastest possible secure transmission of a digital signal allowing DACs to maintain an excellent lock at all times and reduce error and minimise dropout which gives the most accurate signal possible today and more importantly reduces jitter.″
Im dänischen Magazin „Fidelity“ ist ein Vergleichstest über USB Kabel erschienen. Dort heißt es zum Tellurium Q USB aus der Black Serie:
„The cable plays very down to earth and yet in another galaxy. And indeed for an excellent price. The cable is mega fast, and seemingly total free of distortion. Listening Fatigue or boring music was not valid arguments as we listened again and again. Often we were not sure if we did not listen to a significantly more expensive cable. Thumbs Up.″